Artist Q & A

Heather Weston

What is your thought about abstract painting?

I am fascinated by the wordless agility of paintings, and their profound ability to circumvent conscious thought. Abstract painting does this particularly powerfully. Thus, I am drawn to abstraction for its ability to speak the unspoken, and connect directly between the unconscious of painter and viewer. This is exactly what art is all about - the essence of what we all share, feel, fear, know, were, are, without ‘knowing’, what psychoanalytic thinker, Christopher Bollas, called ‘The Unthought Known’. I want to see this wrought in paint, and as the poet, Adrienne Rich wrote, “…raised dripping and brought into the sun”. I work with acrylics on canvas, using multiple layers and often using water to reveal previous layers of a painting, just overpainted, letting history peep through in unexpected ways. I then use line work to impart a sense of order over disorder, intention over accident. My work is principally about how we balance those conflicting internal tensions. What we bring, as humans, to this moment, is everything that has gone before, personally and generationally. We cover up, we obscure, we disguise and reshape all of the things we are, and are not, but ultimately we're at the mercy of forces beyond and before our control. My painting is about this balance between chaos, chance and control. This, too, is my core process.

Can you tell me a bit about the submitted work, I Can See Tomorrow?

When the remnants of the day linger in the mind, we can hope that its essence will be with us tomorrow.

Acrylic on canvas

60 cm x 80 cm

