About the Artist

Keith Alexander

Keith Alexander’s screen printed and lino cut relief prints concentrate on ‘ordinary’ rural landscape of the north rather than famous high profile views. The works examine the various ways that human activity changes the landscape, whether dramatically through pollution, or more subtly through farming activity.

Ten trees below the sewage treatment plant Gilling West

Lino and screen print

70cm x 35cm



In 2023 Gilling and Skeeby Becks were polluted by a discharge into the river, the cause of which is still under investigation by Defra. The water went black for three days and many fish died with a corresponding knock on effect to other wildlife.

Oil Seed Rape above Bamburgh

Lino and screen print

70cm x 35cm



The yellow of oil seed rape is very visible in spring but is it good for bio diversity? This crop is increasing popular with farmers but there seem to be very few insects and birds to be seen in the yellow fields.