About the Artist

Roy Best

My work is mostly figurative and is firmly rooted in drawing. My densely drawn ink work possibly reflects my training as an intaglio printmaker in the 1970’s. One strand of my work involves looking at change - decay, renovation and repurposing in the urban environment around me.

The End

In 2015 a bit of Brazil’s rain forest was brought to downtown Leeds with a colourful mural highlighting the plight of the endangered Spix’s Macaw applied to a sadly dilapidated building. Although now extinct in the wild, this species is effectively maintained through a captive breeding program which will reintroduce them to their natural habitat. The dereliction of the abandoned building in Leeds, however, remains unchanged and endangered. And the mural has now vanished - itself becoming extinct.

The End

Ink drawing

43cm x 43cm (framed)

