Artist Q & A

Errol Theunissen

Can you talk about your approach to painting?

I mainly paint in oil. I often use situations in my environment, home, and community as my subject matter. I do not feel I need to go searching for inspiration or beauty, but I seek it in his day-to-day surroundings, my own everyday experiences, my memories of Africa and stories I have heard or photos I have seen relating go my interesting family history. I also include animals in some of my work. The relationship between humans and animals has a special place in my practice as I am aware of the importance of animals and the benefits of our relationships with them in this complex world, we live in. It is as if I capture beautiful moments between people or people and animals and transfer these moments from his mind to canvas. I use a bright colour palette in my work which gives vibrancy and life to my paintings which often tell a story. Despite now living in the UK I am still closely linked to Africa through my use of colour and sometimes my subject matter.

What is your thought behind the submitted work?

This painting is about the environment and hope. It is about recovery after destruction . We still have a good chance to preserve our environment if we take action, heed the warnings and start thinking seriously about our future. Within the painting the environment is scorched and at first glance all the vegetation is destroyed but amidst the scorched trees and earth our travelers find themselves in, a cluster of flowers blooms .I have always been fascinated by plant species that flower after a devastating fire (pyrogenic flowering). It shows natures ability to heal and ensure species survive in difficult circumstances. Nature and tve environment have been doing this for many years but our continuous misuse of nature is making it difficult for the environment to preserve and renew its Flora and fauna.

After The Fire

Oil on canvas

50cm x 40cm 

