About the Artist

My art revolves around themes of love, peace, and the radiance of

life, carrying with it aspirations for a better future and the inheritance of values for the next generation. Influenced by Nishida Kitaro's philosophy of absolute contradictory self-identity, I depict the growth and harmony of individuals and society by embracing inner conflicts and transcending them. Additionally, the teachings of Buddha have also influenced my art, guiding towards inner peace through compassion, wisdom, and meditation. Through diverse representations of existence, encompassing beings of all ages from children to the elderly, I aim to express the essence of love, peace, and the brilliance of life, bringing empathy and healing to viewers. Furthermore, life is the truth for all individuals, and death its counterpart. Therefore, I emphasize the importance of gratitude for being alive and the significance of cherishing life. I believe in instilling courage and hope to confront the challenges and inequalities of contemporary society, fostering empathy through the spirit of love and peace, and empowering individuals to build a brighter future.

The submitted work, Shinmaiko Beach, Japan shows a colourful

sea coast, but instead of sea creatures, I painted colorful plastic waste on the shore. Once, there were many colorful marine animals, but now we can't see them. The same shore now shows environmental degradation, with plastic debris washing ashore, which makes me sad. This piece highlights how our actions impact marine life and advocates for environmental protection. I remember the colorful marine life I enjoyed as a child, imagining that today's children might see the vibrant plastic litter as the creatures I once found beautiful. I use only natural materials like washi paper, clay, minerals, shells, and glue in my artwork.

Shinmaiko Beach, Japan

Natural pigments on Washi, Japanese paper

27cm x 22cm

