About the Artist

Tara Harris

I navigate between disciplines of expressionism and abstraction to create impressions of landscapes and nature. My work comments on the natural world as I invite the viewer to stop and consider the life forces of nature. Through my loose mark making, limited palette and compositional choices I want to tell a narrative which captures my emotional connections to moments in time. By experimentation and being curious I discover new applications using oil pastels and acrylics. I often work with lighter tones and build layers of colours. Using tools I will scratch the surface to reveal hidden colour and texture. I enjoy figuring out and editing my works until I am happy with it’s visual energy. Death of a loved one has catapulted my creativity and informed my subject matter. Our lives are short and explosive. We go through life processes like birth and death just like the life cycles and seasons of nature. My artwork explores these themes.

Meadow Daze

Orange describes the feeling of bright and carefree days as light travels through the meadow grasses. The viewer is invited to remember their own memories of long grass and Summer days. The loose mark making and hot palette tells of heat rising from the ground. recharging oneself by bathing in nature.

Oil and pastels on canvas

35cm x 45cm

