Lucy Storrs


On an Ocean Current

On an Ocean Current is at first glance a beautiful celebration of a paddler out enjoying life, and feeling at one with the ocean. On closer examination all is not quite as idyliic as one might have first thought. There is litter strewn upon the beach and bobbing along with the ocean current, even a couple of dead fish washed up. The day is drawing to an end, picnickers have departed from the beach after a wonerful day enjoying such a superb location. Left behind is the residue of their day out, rubbish, single used plastic, buckets and spaces. The kayaker can not get his head around why people would do this.

Material: Wool and silk

Size: 108cm diameter framed

Year: 2023


On an Ocean Current

On an Ocean Current is at first glance a beautiful celebration of a paddler out enjoying life, and feeling at one with the ocean. On closer examination all is not quite as idyliic as one might have first thought. There is litter strewn upon the beach and bobbing along with the ocean current, even a couple of dead fish washed up. The day is drawing to an end, picnickers have departed from the beach after a wonerful day enjoying such a superb location. Left behind is the residue of their day out, rubbish, single used plastic, buckets and spaces. The kayaker can not get his head around why people would do this.

Material: Wool and silk

Size: 108cm diameter framed

Year: 2023

On an Ocean Current

On an Ocean Current is at first glance a beautiful celebration of a paddler out enjoying life, and feeling at one with the ocean. On closer examination all is not quite as idyliic as one might have first thought. There is litter strewn upon the beach and bobbing along with the ocean current, even a couple of dead fish washed up. The day is drawing to an end, picnickers have departed from the beach after a wonerful day enjoying such a superb location. Left behind is the residue of their day out, rubbish, single used plastic, buckets and spaces. The kayaker can not get his head around why people would do this.

Material: Wool and silk

Size: 108cm diameter framed

Year: 2023