Moemi Takano


Pilgrim, This Road This Morning

The work attempts to incorporate spontaneity and improvisation into the highly structured weaving techniques used in tapestry making. The textile can then be compared to the act of walking, which has a certain structure but welcomes detours, diversions and wanderings.

Material: Dyed cotton and jute, plaster, acrylic paint, spray paint and ABS pipe

Size: 59cm x 46cm

Year: 2023


Pilgrim, This Road This Morning

The work attempts to incorporate spontaneity and improvisation into the highly structured weaving techniques used in tapestry making. The textile can then be compared to the act of walking, which has a certain structure but welcomes detours, diversions and wanderings.

Material: Dyed cotton and jute, plaster, acrylic paint, spray paint and ABS pipe

Size: 59cm x 46cm

Year: 2023

Pilgrim, This Road This Morning

The work attempts to incorporate spontaneity and improvisation into the highly structured weaving techniques used in tapestry making. The textile can then be compared to the act of walking, which has a certain structure but welcomes detours, diversions and wanderings.

Material: Dyed cotton and jute, plaster, acrylic paint, spray paint and ABS pipe

Size: 59cm x 46cm

Year: 2023