Errol Theunissen


After The Fire

This painting is about the environment and hope. It is about recovery after destruction . We still have a good chance to preserve our environment if we take action, heed the warnings and start thinking seriously about our future. Within the painting the environment is scorched and at first glance all the vegetation is destroyed but amidst the scorched trees and earth our travelers find themselves in, a cluster of flowers blooms .I have always been fascinated by plant species that flower after a devastating fire (pyrogenic flowering). It shows natures ability to heal and ensure species survive in difficult circumstances. Nature and the environment have been doing this for many years but our continuous misuse of nature is making it difficult for the environment to preserve and renew its Flora and fauna.

Medium: Oil on canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm 

Year: 2022


After The Fire

This painting is about the environment and hope. It is about recovery after destruction . We still have a good chance to preserve our environment if we take action, heed the warnings and start thinking seriously about our future. Within the painting the environment is scorched and at first glance all the vegetation is destroyed but amidst the scorched trees and earth our travelers find themselves in, a cluster of flowers blooms .I have always been fascinated by plant species that flower after a devastating fire (pyrogenic flowering). It shows natures ability to heal and ensure species survive in difficult circumstances. Nature and the environment have been doing this for many years but our continuous misuse of nature is making it difficult for the environment to preserve and renew its Flora and fauna.

Medium: Oil on canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm 

Year: 2022

After The Fire

This painting is about the environment and hope. It is about recovery after destruction . We still have a good chance to preserve our environment if we take action, heed the warnings and start thinking seriously about our future. Within the painting the environment is scorched and at first glance all the vegetation is destroyed but amidst the scorched trees and earth our travelers find themselves in, a cluster of flowers blooms .I have always been fascinated by plant species that flower after a devastating fire (pyrogenic flowering). It shows natures ability to heal and ensure species survive in difficult circumstances. Nature and the environment have been doing this for many years but our continuous misuse of nature is making it difficult for the environment to preserve and renew its Flora and fauna.

Medium: Oil on canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm 

Year: 2022